Pre and Post-Operative Information.

Pre-Operative Information

Post-Operative Information - With Stitches

  • The effect of the local anaesthesia will wear off in about 2 to 4 hours. Please take Paracetamol if you experience pain.
  • Please keep the dressing in place for 2 days
  • After 2 days the dressing can be removed but keep the wound clean and dry ( If it is a site of friction, the dressing can be left on as needed)
  • You can have a shower but avoid getting the wound wet by soaking in a bath. Please avoid swimming till stitches are removed.
  • If the wound gets infected ( signs of these include looking red, pain +/- discharge) , contact Dr Rao's Secretary or the clinic where you have seen Dr Rao so she can contact you or leave a course of antibiotics as appropriate.
  • If there is any bleeding from the wound site, apply firm pressure with a clean towel for approximately 20 minutes
  • You will have been advised as to how many stitches have been taken and when to have them removed. Stitch removal is usually advised between 10 to 14 days at the hospital where the procedure has been undertaken. If more convenient for you, it is fine to have the stitches removed at a local walk in centre within the time line advised, or with the nurse at your local surgery.

Post-Operative information - Without Stitches

  • The effect of the local anaesthesia will wear off in about 2 to 4 hours. Please take Paracetamol in case you experience pain.
  • Please keep the dressing in place for 2 days
  • The dressing can be after 2 days removed but keep the wound clean and dry (If it is a site of friction, the dressing can be left on as needed)
  • You can have a shower but avoid getting the wound wet by soaking in a bath. Please avoid swimming till the wound heals completely (usually about 10 days)
  • If the wound gets infected (signs of infection include redness, pain +/- discharge), contact Dr Rao's Secretary or the clinic where you have seen Dr Rao, so she can contact you or leave a course of antibiotics as appropriate.
  • If there is any bleeding from the wound site, please apply firm pressure with a clean towel for approximately 20 minutes.